Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brigham is home!!!

Brigham got to come home today. The doctor called us on Saturday morning and said that he would be able to come home Sunday or Monday depending on how well he took his feedings that day. He did really well and they took the feeding tube out and now he is home. It seems really weird, no more long drives to the hospital or holding him with a bunch of wires connected to him. It is kind of scary because he is so small, he weighs four pounds six ounces. Since he was under five pounds he had to ride in the car bed, which is a car seat for a baby. It looks like a bed so Brigham got to lay down the whole way home. We are so excited he is home but I know I am going to be so worried for the next couple of days that I probably won't get much sleep, oh well I am glad he is home. Thanks for everyone's prayers, they were much appreciated.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Brigham now weighs about 4 pounds 2 ounces. Currently I go to the hospital and feed him twice a day, every twelve hours, and the rest of the time he is fed through a tube in his nose. He hasn't fully developed the technique of eating which involves sucking, swallowing, and breathing. He is getting better and once is able to eat without the tube he will be able to come home. I hope that time comes sooner rather than later.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pictures of Brigham

On Saturday they took Brigham out of the isolette because he is able to maintain his own body temperature. When he was in his box we were only able to hold him once a day but now we can hold him whenever we go and see him and he gets to wear clothes. He is still a little big for his premie clothes. He is doing well and gained an ounce so now he weighs three pounds and eleven ounces.

Brigham had jaundice and had to stay under the bili-lights for two days and wear the funny looking googles. He pulled the googles off every chance he could, he didn't like them covering his eyes.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Brigham Howard Egan

Brigham Howard Egan was born November 3, 2008 at 9:07 pm. He weighed three pounds and 10 ounces and was seventeen inches long. He didn't want to wait until December 21st and came a little early. Before he was born the nurses from the NICU came and talked to us and told us all the possiblities that could happen. It was really scary but he was healthy when he was born and didn't need oxygen or anything. He is small and has to stay in the NICU for a while. The doctors tell us that he will stay there until his due date but we are hopeful that he will be home sooner than that.