Thursday, May 13, 2010

Marathon Training Week 2

I am on my second week of training for my marathon. It is scary to think that I am actually going to run a marathon in September. I have always wanted to do it but right now it is rough. This week both of my runs have been really hard and I don't know why. It might be the fact that I have to wake up really early in the morning and I am not a morning person or it could be the hill that I have to run up a few times. I ran three miles on Tuesday and four miles today. On Saturday I am going to run five miles, I don't think I have ever run five miles before.

I know I can do it because even though I feel like stopping I continue to push through. I don't know why my mind is trying to tell me that I can't do it. I will continue on and push through because I KNOW I CAN DO IT.


Mickie and Matt said...

What the update from the Egans is going on!

That is AWESOME you are doing a Marathon. I'll eventually work my way up to one of those too. Have fun, work hard I know you can do it.

Jamie said...

you CAN do it! And just think how much better you will be at running up hills after it's over. :)

Unknown said...

You go girl!! I am so impressed that you decided to do this. Running is one of those things that are so dreadful beforehand/during, but feels great after. You'll be so glad you stuck to your goal!

Emily Savage