Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Brigham is finally starting to get into a schedule. The past few days he has only woken up once in the night, it is usually at about 4. I feed him, change his diaper, and he goes back to sleep. Then he wakes up for the day around 7:30. I love it when he wakes up because he is so happy and loves to smile. He goes for a nap at 9 and wakes up an hour later, but sometimes he is still tired, I wish he would just take a two hour nap, but that doesn't seem likely. He takes another nap at 12 and sleeps for another hour and then the afternoon sometimes falls apart. He gets tired in the late afternoon but doesn't like to nap by himself, he insists I hold him if he sleeps. He goes to bed around 6:30. He is also eating like every two hours, I have tried to feed him more so that he will go longer in between feedings but it doesn't work. I am afraid to feed him rice cereal because of all the horror stories that I hear that it would make him constipated. I tried putting some in his bottle at night but that didn't work too well. We will just see what happens, the pediatrician said that some people rush giving their babies solids so he said it would be fine to wait, but who knows what will happen.
He is so much fun right now because he is just so happy and smiley. The only problem is that he doesn't know how to play by himself. He wants me to constantly entertain him. I put him down alone and he gets upset. I don't think he understands yet that toys can be fun. It is crazy how much he has grown, he almost five months but it seems like yesterday when he was born. I guess that is how all mothers feel. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Four Months

I don't know what happened to his hand in this picture, it totally looks like he doesn't have a hand, but I thought his face was really cute.

Brigham is four months old. He weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces and is about 24 inches long. He is in the 9th percentile for weight, 8th percentile for height, and 11th percentile for the size of his head. He is catching up. Right now he reaches and grabs for toys. He just barely starting to roll to his side.

Tummy Time

Brigham hates tummy time. Every time I put him on his tummy he cries the entire time. As you can see he must have been really tired because he passed out and slept on his tummy for an hour. I thought to myself, maybe he likes tummy time now, but that is not the case. I have since putten him on his tummy and he continues to cry. I am sure there will come a day when he likes to be on his tummy.